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Impacts of Inclement Weather

Woodhouse is located in beautiful Piccadilly in the Mt Lofty Ranges district of the Adelaide Hills and weather can be inclement. Your safety is our top priority, and we ask that you follow all instructions provided by Woodhouse staff.

Please stay informed of any updates and be prepared to adjust your plans based on weather conditions. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

For the safety of our riders, the Tube Slide will not operate in certain weather conditions. Guided by the 4pm update by the Bureau of Metrology on the day prior, the Tube Slide will not be staffed - and therefore can not run - when:

  • Predicted rainfall in Piccadilly is greater than 5mm and 50% chance of rain.
  • Temperature is forecast 35 degrees or more in Piccadilly - for the safety of guests, staff and equipment... plus they're too slow if the slide is too hot!

Get the latest weather forecast here 

Please note that if wind speeds are at 30k/h or above or particular gusty, Challenge Hill will be closed (for your safety). This measure has been put in place to protect participants from the risk of falling tree limbs due to the high winds. 

On wet weather days, some obstacles may be slippery and unsafe to use. There are signs indicating these obstacles on the course, and a detailed list below for your reference.

Obstacles to be avoided when wet:

  • Rope Swing
  • Log Wall
  • Tower Climb
  • Tire Climb
  • Log Wall (second log wall)
  • TiPi Tree
  • Log Balance
  • Log Walk
  • Chain Walk
  • Vertical Net

Please note that if wind speeds are at 30k/h or above or particular gusty, Laser Skirmish will be closed (for your safety). This measure has been put in place to protect participants from the risk of falling tree limbs due to the high winds. 

The Fire Danger Season for the Mt Lofty Ranges generally falls over the period commencing in November and concluding in May of each year, during which time Woodhouse has a TOTAL FIRE BAN. These dates change each year, please check the CFS website for further information. Total Fire Ban days may fall outside the fire season and the fire response plan applies on these days. 

Our number one priority is the safety of our guests. While Woodhouse has multiple open areas free from heavy fuel loads, due to the enthusiasm and diligence of our staff, further care is taken to prepare the site and staff prior to and throughout each Fire Danger Season. 

These extracts from the Bushfire Action Plan (BAP) provide information on matters likely to be of most concern when planning a visit or stay at Woodhouse during the fire danger period. Camp organisers can obtain copies of the full plan from Woodhouse if required.

During the Fire Danger Season, it is our policy that

  • All fires, smoking and hot works are strictly prohibited. Even though legally a fire for comfort or cooking may be allowed, we choose to implement this policy on our private property - similar to National Parks and state forests.
  • Gas BBQs may be used in undercover Basecamps only.
  • Woodhouse will be closed if the fire danger rating is Catastrophic. 
  • Closing the site will also be considered when the rating is Extreme or Woodhouse Manager considers the conditions are too hazardous or has advice stating that site closure is mandatory. 
  • All bookings for the day of catastrophic danger will be notified that the site is closed and subsequently cancelled.
  • Any guests staying on site during any period of a catastrophic day will be required to vacate the site once the warning has been issued. Woodhouse staff can assist with the evacuation using a coach company should it be required. Evacuation is required before the day commences (0000 hrs) or in worst case scenario early morning the day of.

Woodhouse Hub » Safety at Woodhouse » Impacts of Inclement Weather