
Riddle Me This... Answer sheet

11: What two things can you never have for breakfast?


A: Lunch and dinner

1: If a rooster sits on a roof facing north, which way will the egg roll?


A: Roosters don't lay eggs

The more there is, the less you see. What is it?


A: Darkness

What building has the most stories in the world?


A: The Library

What can fill a room but doesn't take up space?


A: Light

What falls, but does not break, and what breaks but does not fall?


A: Night falls and day breaks

You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?


A: An ear of corn

Kelly has three daughters, and each daughter has a brother. How many children does Kelly have?


A: 4

Where are the lakes always empty, the mountains always flat and the rivers always still?


A: A map

The healthier you are, the bigger I get. The bigger I get, the more I'm hated. What am I?


A: Age

You walk into your kitchen. On the table are two kids, three dogs, four cats, a bird, and two spiders. How many legs are on the floor?


A: 6 - yours and the table's

What two things can you never have for breakfast?

Answer: Lunch and dinner

Who is that with a neck and no head, two arms and no hands?


A: A shirt

With pointed fangs, I sit and wait; with piercing force, I crunch out fate; grabbing victims, proclaiming might; physically joining with a single bite. What am I?


A: A stapler

Rich people want it, poor people have it, and if you eat it, you die. What is it?


A: Nothing

Steve, Elizabeth and George are drinking coffee. Paul, Lewis and Melissa are drinking tea. Which will Helen drink?


A: Coffee — she has two E's in her name, just like all the coffee drinkers

If 11 plus two equals one, what does nine plus five equal?


A: 11 a.m. plus two hours = 1 p.m. | 9 a.m. plus five hours = 2 p.m

I never was, am always to be; everyone's looking, but no one sees me. What am I?


A: Tomorrow

Activities » The Labyrinth » Riddle Me This... Answer sheet