
Riddle Me This... Answer sheet

Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

Answer: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?

Answer: Mount Everest

What 4-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?

Answer: NOON

If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place. Which place would you be in now?

Answer: 2nd place

I have no feet, no hands, no wings, but I climb to the sky. What am I?

Answer: Smoke

I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

Answer: A candle

What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?

Answer: A promise

What goes up and down but doesn’t move?

Answer: A staircase

What has hands, but can’t clap?

Answer: A clock

What has one head, one foot and four legs?

Answer: A bed

What two things can you never have for breakfast?

Answer: Lunch and dinner

What begins with T, finishes with T, and has T in it?

Answer: A teapot

I’m red or green and grow on a vine. I’m dried to make raisins and squeezed to make wine. What am I?

Answer: Grapes

What word begins with E and ends with E, but only has one letter?

Answer: Envelope

You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars and Jupiter, but not in Venus or Neptune. What am I?

Answer: The letter “R”

What kind of lion never roars?

Answer: A dandelion

Nobody empties me, but I never stay full for long. What am I?

Answer: The moon

Activities » The Labyrinth » Riddle Me This... Answer sheet